Freevox distributes the most significant brands in the audio industry including those of the Harman group, to propose an offer covering all areas of applications: entertainment, events, corporate, commercial, etc … From capture to broadcast Sound, Freevox has the unique ability to implement all of its product lines and the high skill of its technical team to respond to any type of sound project.
Freevox distributes and manufactures reference products for all areas of professional lighting. A complete range of solutions dedicated to the Shows inlcuding projectors, controllers and accessories. Associated with the quality and expertise of our technical services, its equipment accompanies the best shows, events and installations in France and abroad.
Video broadcasting has become the essential element of any show, commercial space or corporate event. Freevox offers a comprehensive, powerful and reliable technical solution to providers and installers with Arkaos, Starway and RGBlink brands to meet this new demand.
CSI – Creative Show Industry
6-8 Rue Michael Faraday
72027 Le Mans
Le groupe CSI accompagne au quotidien les professionnels et les spécialistes de l’audiovisuel et de la lumière.
Soyez un acteur de notre développement dans un cadre professionnel stimulant, collaboratif, dynamique et créatif.
© 2019 - Creative Show Indusry